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War Is Bad, But Stealing Is Even Badder

one night i sent my scavenger Marko out to the school, and while exploring found a group of old homeless people huddling up in the basement. our own household was kind of desperate at this point - and i was a little curious - so i had Marko steal from them. they immediately attacked, and despite outnumbering Marko and all having knives he managed to take out a couple before the rest fled.
this, quite understandably, led to Marko falling into a deep depression while his housemates murmured about how terrible it was that he did what he did – “Those people will never survive when I’ve left them with so little...”
i felt especially bad when i returned to that school the next night to find most of the occupants still hadn't returned.

some time later, i decided to try out the semi-detached house where a trader had set up shop. he wasn't offering much useful stuff, so i had Marko sneak underground into the building he was sat in front of. inside there were 4 or 5 armed goons walking around, guarding a veritable mountain of resources - food, medicine, materials, ammunition, just about everything you could hope for.
at this point, things were getting even worse in our household - Marko was still in his depressive slump, Bruno had been wounded by a raiding party, and we were barely getting by on the scraps of meat we could get from the rat trap we'd set up in the basement.
so, i have Marko steal from these guys. he's in and out without being noticed, there's not a drop of blood spilled, and they still have plenty left over because Marko can only fit so much in his backpack at a time.
this, far from understandably, led to Marko falling even further into his depressive slump while his housemates murmured about how terrible it was that he did what he did – “Those people will never survive when I’ve left them with so little...”
i felt especially perplexed when i returned to that house the next night to find most of the occupants still wandering around without much of a care in the world, somehow having accrued even more resources overnight.

aside from this one anecdote, i don’t really have much to say about the rest of the game. somewhere within it lies an engaging survival/stealth game with some incredible atmosphere, but everything about its Deep, Sombre Game With Something To Say wrapping detracts from that. it’s extremely shallow, with bland writing and a ‘message’ that doesn’t seem to go any deeper than “wow, war sure is miserable!”

Reviewed on Aug 10, 2021
