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If you're a new player, and you pick Sol Badguy, this game drops to a 2 and stays there until you switch to another character. This isn't like, "oh, he's really strong how do you deal with this" complaint, I've seen so many people try this game, pick up one of the hardest characters in the game with dogshit combo routing that can't play neutral outside of dash-blocking or wildboy bullshit and then drop the game after a month of saltposting.

You're not Billy Badass, better people than you have tried and failed to get consistent at Sidewinder routes. And there's no negotiating around learning character specific Sidewinder routes, Sol's gimmick that keeps him viable is that he spends 3/4ths of the match getting bullied by most of the cast, and then he converts one stray mistake into the exact same special move done with increasingly difficult timing, and ideally that'll chunk your opponent for 70 percent of their health. Wanna take a break from the game for a week or two? That's muscle memory that you're going to have to build back up, and it's going to feel awful until you get back into the swing of things.

This is unlike most characters in the game outside of I-No, which most people in general know well enough to not put time into unless you're already a human synthesizer in other games. The reason this game's a 5/5 for so many people is that you can learn the basics and add what you need through play and go from there, and +R Sol doesn't reward that. Pick Faust and have a good time like the rest of us.