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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

May 19, 2023

Platforms Played



This game is hard and very unforgiving
Even tho the game is really short you will use hours banging your head against the wall trying to complete these levels
That could have been really unfair, but luckily this game is extremly forgiving when it comes to continues. Even if you get a game over you will start at the checkpoint on the stage you died on and with your weapon.
This makes the game playable and its fun to master after hours of playing!

There are 6 levels in the game, but you will need to complete them 2 time to get the true ending. The second time around all the enemies are faster, so its quite more difficult. I didn't use that much more time on my second run cause I had learned almost all the enemies patterns.
I say almost cause the one thing that really drags this game is the rng. Some enemies have different patterns depending on the cycle which is decided when you die.
So sometimes you can get a really bad cycle and just die
Some of the enemies also spawn in random locations and can spawn inside you, so you can't do anything about it
It can be frustration sometimes, but short levels makes it so you can feel progress at all times

The game doesn't look that great and the music is ok. I imagine people will hate these songs after a while tho.

Overall a decent game that I will only recommend if you want a good challenge and are ready to die alot
Glad I completed it
I give it 2.5/5