The second Quake expansion, this one developed by Rogue Entertainment of Strife and American McGee's Alice fame. Not quite as much of a success as Scourge of Armagon, but not awful. Scourge had a little more creative flair with the story and the new weapons/enemies and the level design, even if the execution was a little off. This one doesn't really have any new weapons, just new ammo types for all of the basic Quake weapons (except the shotgun), which are all kind of annoying to switch between. The new enemies are mostly palette swaps of enemies from the basic Quake game with slightly different abilities. The most notable ones are the floating swords (kind of like the knight enemies but without an actual knight holding the sword) and the "Wraths" (Scrags wearing grim reaper robes that throw heat-seeking projectiles at you that are like the Vore projectiles except much faster and basically impossible to avoid). This one has more bosses, but they mostly suck, especially the dragon at the end. They also added this very annoying earthquake mechanic where sometimes everything will just shake around and you won't really be able to control anything for a few seconds. Very annoying, I don't know what they were thinking with that.

I kind of liked the variety to the level aesthetics, like how some of them are Egyptian themed and some of them are Aztec themed, but otherwise a pretty bland map pack. Still decently fun to play while listening to old Your Kickstarter Sucks episodes, but I'd rather play the base game or Scourge of Armagon over this.

Reviewed on Jan 12, 2024
