Dear DaggerJane of the past,
I know you love Tetris and you want a Tetris game to play on your PS4, and I know this one is on sale, but it is not the way. You need to be patient, wait a bit longer. Play Tetris elsewhere. This one sucks, girl. It sucks. Don't do it. You deserve better.

I've always loved Tetris so it doesn't surprise me at all that I love this version. I wasn't expecting to appreciate how beautiful it is as much as I do, though. I mean, it's Tetris. Blocks fall and you put them where you want them and whatever there you go. I love it, but it doesn't need to be pretty.

I was wrong, and this version of Tetris has ruined all other versions for me because yes it does need to be pretty. It's lovely and the music and sound effects match the environments so well and everything is perfect. I played through journey mode in VR and it was amazing. I cried at the end? It was just kind of overwhelming (but in a good way) to be in that environment with that specific song playing, I guess. I don't know. I've read that other people also cried when playing Tetris Effect and this is something I find very interesting. We should have a club or something probably.

My favorite Tetris mode has always been endless which is not always available in every Tetris game (rude) and I'm happy to report it's in Tetris Effect. My only complaint is that as someone who can last in the same endless game for uh... a pretty decent amount of time, listening to the same song over and over gets a little old. I might be pumped to listen to a certain song at the beginning of a stage but by line 400, idk, maybe I'm ready for something else. It would be cool if the stages would transition every x number of lines or hell, maybe even when the song ends. Oh well. Too bad I don't make the rules.

Anyway this is a good game and as a pretty sweet bonus it is not a disgusting Ubisoft cash grab.

By far my favorite place to gain followers. I have 30 followers on Twitter and 50 on Instagram. Low, boring numbers I got by doing basically nothing (existing, having 3 friends irl, posting one [1] picture of my mediocre face, etc). I drove into a wall in The Crew 2 and gained 300 followers. Much better.