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1 day

Last played

June 6, 2024

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Overall I think the shooting mechanics and characters are pretty balanced, the MTX aren't absolutely abhorrent, and the game modes are pretty solid. Without recognizable characters, though, I worry about it's long-term staying power.

So I recently picked up a Backbone, and coincidentally this came out the same day. I downloaded it on my iPhone 15 Pro Max, played a few matches, and picked up the Arena Pass to support the devs. I've been playing it since, and I'm having a lot of fun.

Each character in this 4v4 hero shooter is pretty well balanced. I've leaned more toward damage dealers like Aron Tal, but I really like some of the support characters like Skora, who shoots, heals, and throws down an AOE heal/damage.

There are a few things I would change. The free credit currency you get is pretty pathetic. Obviously the point is to drip feed you the free stuff so you buy the premium, but at least in other games I feel like you can get something out of the free stuff. Here, you get one or two items that cycle from the store infrequently. I would also love to be able to pick a specific game mode to play in casual mode, instead of randomly getting whatever they decide (not a fan of Trophy Chase).

I also was surprised that we got a Star Wars game with no known characters. Don't know if they'll add them in, but I worry about how long people will stick around if they can't play as Boba Fett or Chewbacca, and are stuck on the bargain bin versions of those.

Its fun. I wouldn't recommend playing with touch screen, but if you play on Switch or with a controller, you'll get something out of this.