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Game of the Year-winning Overwatch (2016) is no longer playable as of October 2022. The Last of Us Factions MP (2013) still is. We stragglers stay winning 😎😤

There's not much I can say about The Last of Us that hasn't already been said. It’s an overrated, hacky wannabe prestige drama carried by its acting talent, with pretty alright combat that doesn’t hold up to its sequel. If you’ve played the game yourself or read any of the other reviews here, you’d already know this, and I have nothing else to add.

Instead, I'm gonna be talking about the multiplayer.

Factions is simultaneously the best and worst multiplayer game you’ve never heard of. TLOU’s mechanical systems and slow-going, tense combat make for a wholly unique PvP experience that feels remarkably ahead of its time. The emphasis on scavenging and managing resources, and on knocking down and reviving players, evokes the battle royale genre at least two years in advance; the small-scale tactical team fights bring to mind Counter-Strike or Rainbow Six Siege (not to imply that Factions is anywhere close to esports-ready).

Unfortunately, this solid foundation is in some ways ruined by glaring balance issues and microtransactions. Since listen mode only detects people when they’re moving, camping is prevalent. Many players are content to lean on weapons and perks that honestly shouldn’t be in this game- one of the DLC weapons is a fucking grenade launcher, just what a post-apocalyptic tactical shooter needs. Worse, nearly half of the loadout options- fair and balanced or otherwise- are locked behind a paywall. All of the “essential” perks and weapons will set you back by about $20, YMMV.

A lot of the people that still play this game are assholes, by the way. I recommend playing with your DMs set to friends only.

Despite all the negatives, Factions is fun and satisfying in a way no other game is, for me anyways. It’s hard to describe, but “intimate” is the word I would use- up close and personal, a life-and-death struggle that culminates in a lovingly detailed kill animation. Metal Gear Online is the only thing that comes close to capturing that same energy.

If nothing else, it’s an easy top 3 in the “voice lines burned into my memory” category. I’ll be hearing “STRAGGLER!” and “UNIFOOOORM!” in my head until the day I die. If you have a PS4 or 5 and this sounds like your idea of fun, you might consider trying Factions- it’s still active despite turning 9 this year.