There's absolutely some fun to be had here but for me it feels too clunky and disjointed to really keep me fully engaged. I've been meaning to get to Banjo-Kazooie for probably a decade or so now since I grew up with it being lauded as high-art on the YouTube spheres I was in and I was really looking to love this game, especially so since I love Rare's other works. Yet after the initial set of worlds I found myself losing interest little by little. Each world's objectives feel like busy work a lot of the time and none of their mechanical designs or artistic designs really interested me that often. I got to Rusty Bucket Bay and felt like I had done this same song and dance enough by then that I decided to call it quits. Adding onto this I found the movement unsatisfying and led to a lot of cheap hits. Barely any of the moves really gel into one another all that well without at least a second of delay which is understandable since the industry was still adjusting to 3D games but Mario 64 had already been out for 2 years by the point this released. On the bright side, I found the music enjoyable and some of the scenarios for getting jiggies were novel even if they weren't all that engaging. Check the game out if you're interested but I personally couldn't vibe with it in most cases

Reviewed on Aug 28, 2023
