This is gonna be a long post but I want to talk about the more unique aspects of this game that aren't the game mechanics like the emotion system it has, how unique and impressive the AI is and so on that I've already seen people talk about. Most people into "strange" PS1-era video games have heard of this one before. It is a bit of an infamous title due to still being the only video game ever to win the Seiun Sci-fi award and at the time it was just made by a bunch of random staff that somehow made a mecha-focused game leagues above any of its competitors such as Front Mission, SRW, Sakura Wars and so on. It is also sometimes mentioned in relation to Muv-Luv and 13 Sentinels. The former has basically the same alternate-history concept and the way it handles a certain SF trope is very similar but otherwise they are quite different. With the latter, it is probably the primary influence (alongside Please Save My Earth and Megazone 23) which is pretty hilarious as one of the most common complaints with 13S is that it "doesn't do anything original" despite the fact that 90% of the people who say that don't even know what those three series are.
The influence of GPM on 13S isn't a simple plot point or anything like that though and much deeper than you would expect. Take 13S and remove the mystery files and imagine if every story in the story section was totally randomized. Not only that, but imagine the gameplay of 13S except it's not piss easy and it's incredibly complicated. But enough about other games, GPM has had a pretty legendary status as a long untranslated game. I have played through the game four times including the tutorial playthrough and it has been nearly a year.

First off, similar to 13S and Persona 3 the game is split into two sections being the social sections and the battle system. A good 90% of the game takes place in the school section while the rest of it is "SRPG" stuff. This may not sound like anything special but, if you ever wanted the social sections to tie into the battles in those previously mentioned games this is what you are looking for. Pretty much everything you do in the social sections matter, and each playthrough will be a different experience. The games social-link equivalent does not give you simple stat boosts or anything like that, almost every single classmate you have gives you entire game mechanics. Ranging from being able to see into peoples hearts and seeing who likes who to being able to use the Shining Finger from G Gundam, to being able to increase your social status and forcing your classmates to listen to you. Not only that, but there is perma-death. This isn't some FE style perma-death though. When a classmate dies, they hold an entire funeral for him and the way all the other characters act changes. Every single death matters. If you liked the aspect of not being able to control your classmates in Persona 3's battle section well, this is like that but a million times more complicated. The more someone likes you, the more likelier they are to help you during battle. This isn't all however, there are as many negative aspects as there are positive aspects to it. So if you are thinking of trying to be best friends with literally everyone, I learned the hard way that this is not a viable strategy. Most of the cast has beef with each other so you have to experience and choose who you want to get close to. For example, Katou is very useful and charming but getting close to her makes Kariya hate you because he feels jealous of your character. Kariya is disabled and on a wheelchair who needs help a lot of the time. Helping him up the stairs and stuff would normally make others sympathize with you more and see you as a helpful person, but if he hates you you lose this ability. On the other hand, getting close to a psychopath like Akane puts a rift between you and the rest of the cast. Moreover, the game is filled with beginners traps. If you get close to Mai Shibamura, the "main heroine" of the game you lose access to pretty much everyone else as they all hate her. The tradeoff is that Mai is easily the best character in the game and simply better than everyone else, despite this fact though if you get close to her it also locks you into one of the few scripted battles that a beginner has next to no chance of winning. There's something like this with every single character which is what makes it stand out so much to me. You have next to no control over how the world develops in the game, and you have to manually learn who likes who and vice versa by talking to them.

However, the more you play through the game the more you acquire this "knowledge" which leads you to be able to control the world more. This in turn is a requirement for the true ending in game. Once you fullfill the true ending requirements and "learn about the truth of the world", you start being referred to as a god and all your classmates start being afraid of you. This is another very unique aspect of the game, counting things like scripted bad endings there are around a dozen endings in the game. There are six normal endings depending on how you perform as a soldier, however besides the true ending most of the endings are the same besides the boosters they give for your next playthrough. The true ending though, is anything but simple. Pretty much the entire dialogue in the game changes once you fulfill the requirements for it. The requirements for it are harsh as well, you have to kill over 300 Genjuu (the beta/kaiju/alien equivalent of the game) and make sure no one among the 23 characters in the cast (yes, including your teachers) dies.
Oh yeah, the story. If you dislike long stretches of plot infodumps that RPGs tend to have, this is your game. Possibly the epitome of show don't tell. There is an overarching story but it takes a background to the point of the game, which is that the way you connect the strange happenings of the game is the "real story". Essentially, your experience while playing it matters more than the explanation to things. That isn't to say they don't explain anything but without spoiling much this game is unpredictable to say the least. Even with game mechanics, I've never seen any other mecha SRPG have war-time tax on simple items in the store. You have to pay fucking tax in this game. Simply put, this isn't a game that revolves around twists. The amount of stuff you can do is virtually limitless, if you want to become the commander of your platoon you can do it. If you think the battle system is bad, you can take a job that doesn't involve piloting such as being an engineer and sit out and skip all of the battles. Hell, if you want you can NEET it out too, not working at all and being lazy is an option as well. Planning an assassination against government officials, working for the black market, learning the origin behind the robots you pilot, "siding with the aliens", getting real close to the cat that suspiciously has god-tier stats, cursing your classmates and setting them up to die, working out like crazy and punching aliens while wearing your piloting suit and so on. All this stuff I mentioned isn't even half of it, I recommend not looking up many guides as learning that every single action has a consequence is one of the things I liked about the game. Oh yeah, there is an "Illusion" meter in the game that is basically a schizophrenia stat. You should absolutely grind that to see some wild shit.
So in the end how does all of this come together? Well, barely. The music is very underwhelming. The visuals of the games besides the battles are in the negatives. A lot of the character scenarios feel unfinished, and it doesn't help that for some reason all the social link equivalents are in randomized order for the most part. I would say the game is complete as it is but, if you go into it expecting a set beginning and an end you will be disappointed. A lot of stuff was cut as well, going into minor spoiler territory here there are 5+1(the tutorial chara) playable characters. Originally, every single character was meant to be playable. You can still play as every character through a cheat code but all of their scenarios are unfinished and insanely glitchy. Moreover, all the ED cutscenes have a bunch of CGs that you don't see in game: all content that was cut and reproduced as an audio drama. Said audio drama is largely unavailable, I had to physically buy most of the discs and uploaded what I have on YT but I'm still missing the last two.
There's a ton of stuff about the game that I haven't mentioned due to spoilers. Some crucial game mechanics, the meta element that the entire game revolves around, etc. One final note is that if you're the type that lacks reading comprehension and whines about Muv-Luv and similar games being fascist then steer clear of this game because it makes ML nationalism seem like a joke.
Gunparade March lived up to the hype for me and I still think about it every day but, I feel like a lot of people won't really like it much. It really is a lightning in a bottle tier game. I'm hoping LOOP8 will be good but it isn't looking that great and the other sequels are not great. Still, if you like any of the aforementioned games or if anything I said about it sounds interesting it is absolutely worth checking out in the case that it gets translated. Just know that whatever the game seems like to you, it's probably nothing like that in reality.

Reviewed on Oct 29, 2022


1 year ago

I really don't know shit about this game lol but the way you describe it makes it sound so cool. To me it sounds like 13s mixed with the Sims or something

1 year ago

I'm glad I got you interested and LMAO yeah that's actually the perfect description because it's literally what it is. It's basically meant to be like tabletop stuff because that's what the writer was the most into (and the prequel series are all tabletop games) which is where all the "simulation" stuff comes from.
I think if anything, it's well worth a try! There's quite nothing else like it with the exception of 13S. Going through it last year was probably one of the most fond gaming experiences I'll ever have because the game just keeps getting crazier and crazier the more you play it.
The only part it's really lacking in is the presentation, and it's a really slow burn. The tutorial (first playthrough) takes like 30 hours and it can be a bit of a drag. Honestly, quite comparable to Baldr Sky in that aspect too! Especially with how you keep getting stronger with each playthrough and certain things (more importantly, the stuff you the player learn about the in-game world) can carry on with each playthrough. I also think it is kind of lacking on the overarching story side (even though what is there is still cool) because the main intention is for you the player to make your own connections in your head.
You know how every game dev ever says they want to make a game where everyone who plays it has a unique experience? This is basically that game. If nothing else anyone who plays it will have a 100% different experience from any other player.
At the end of the day, to me the main appeal was how absurd it was and how it keeps getting stranger. This is the type of game where at one point one of the characters gives you an in-game item titled "Guide on how to beat Gunparade March" and the item is an actual guide that is like 10 pages you flip through that makes literally no sense until you beat the game.
This is also the only game I have ever played that actively punishes you for looking stuff up online and looking at a guide.

1 year ago

Oh man I'm super interested in trying this game especially from what you say and also just all the different features this game has. It's genuinely baffling that they fit this much in a ps1 title lmao

1 year ago

This comment was deleted

1 year ago

Not only that, it has voice acting that you only see after the first playthrough. Which blew my mind because the game is just a single disc in size.
I have absolutely never seen a game hide voice acting as a bonus feature, it's not one or two lines either even the npcs get some voiced lines.
But yeah, if you get around to it definitely let me know! I'll be back on discord eventually and would love to talk with you about this and oretsuba : )

1 year ago

That voice acting shit is insane, along with about 8 other insane things you mentioned this game does lmao. I'm definitely gonna try this once I get back to my PC, along with god hand this is one of my most hyped old games to try. Again hope you like oretsuba and message me anywhere if you wanna chat lol I don't really use discord much

1 year ago

Yeah I remember being really confused when I saw the credits at the end of my first playthrough and saw a bunch of voice actors despite there being no voiced lines in the game at that point. It's a really odd decision to leave them out but I guess it helped to make the further playthroughs more distinct from the tutorial one.

Had no idea about the ending CGs being cut events. I probably should've been able to guess that because there's far far too many of them to just be stuff they made for the credits. Also interesting decision from the developers to make one of the characters you get to pick Maki who just has events that constantly screw you over (oh how I regretted getting my gold bar early in that run.)

Anyway, not many games that let you be a mech technician that just pumps iron and repairs robots all day or an ace pilot, or a freeloader that just makes everything worse, much less games that let you do all that and also have a pretty solid story going on in the background at the same time. Hopefully if Loop 8 does well it'll generate some interest for GPM and it'll get a translation in some form or at least we'll get further games in this style although I have my doubts.

1 year ago

I think the useless fat guy being playable is the most based thing but Maki being playable is fucking hilarious because of the BLUE HEXA being the in universe equivalent of super saiyans.
Except Maki's ability specifically is that she draws negativity to herself but brings good fortune to people she likes, making her as a playable character totally useless. (Just like with Boota you can sometimes trigger an event where if you die during battle she gives you this insane revival that also makes all your stats the maximum level).

So the thing with the cut content is actually a really long story. You know how the game takes place in 1999? Originally that's when it was gonna come out, but development took longer so it got delayed for a year. Originally it was gonna take even longer before SCE told them to fuck off and release the game as is. This is where the events from the ED come from lol. They were later remade into the Audio Dramas but there was a lot of stuff left over in the disc. Even the order is random though, iirc the stuff that's in-game is disc 3, 4, 6 and 8. It is even stranger when you consider how the story of the game itself is different from the CDs and also from the webnovel "Return to Gunparade".
Besides story stuff, there was even more cut stuff. The mentioned 21 playable characters for example that you can still trigger is one. There was also meant to be a first person mode in the battle system if you choose to pilot the robot which sounds fucking insane (I guess that's what they did in Kenran and from the looks of it maybe it's good that this function didnt make it into GPM). There was even meant to be a time-skip part 2 to everyone (which is some of the story in the CD dramas) that time skips to 2003 kind of like in Muv-Luv lol. Some of this content is left in game and you can dig it up on nicovideo lol. This is all stuff I read physically in the artbook I have and the interviews that came with the CDs, so one has to wonder how much stuff really was planned in the end. Something worth mentioning also is that the everyone is playable glitch was left without permission from SCE, as was the fact that voice acting is hidden for later so I wonder how they got away with that.

1 year ago

As for translations, given the fact that a game is a glitchy mess I doubt it but you never know! Planet Laika and Baroque got translated this year and Kowloon and Linda3 are on the way too so you just have to hope for the best lol.
I would not mind doing another playthrough where I try to do the "true" route as well. Getting S-Rank on the tutorial playthrough with Atsushi and also getting with Mai and doing the Kumamoto castle invasion. Sounds near fucking impossible too but..... must be based

1 year ago

as more time passes I become increasingly convinced that you cannot make japanese kinology without racism or nationalism

1 year ago

gorigorijp will back me up on this

1 year ago

If there's any benefit to this game probably remaining obscure forever it is that I don't have to ever read braindead takes like Gunparade March is fascist. Admittedly I might want to see someone try and make the case for Kenran Butousai what with the hero ship being effectively the paramilitary branch to a far left wing party. That'd be so stupid it'd be hilarious.

About 30 (probably more like 15 of actual gameplay since my reading is slow and I was scared of time passing at first so I kept leaving the game open) hours into a Kenran playthrough so yeah that first person combat sounds horrible. The triangles are already beginning to haunt me.

1 year ago

I'm impressed that you were even able to play for Kenran that much, the game gives me a headache whenever I boot it up and go "alright this time I'm gonna get through it". I think mechanically the game is incredible but in terms of being actually enjoyable it's like -9999999 tier. The entire thing feels like a social experiment rather than a game. Metaverse aint shit, if they gave Yuri Shibamura the metaverse budget he'd probably make an actual Matrix simulation. To me though, both Kenran and GPO are proof that creative ideas and the writer isn't everything because they're just not fun. As far as I am aware after GPM most of the team working on it dipped from ALFA Systems. I wrote another review about Kenran on this website. Have you been able to understand the battle system at all lmao cause I straight up do not understand it. It's like battleships (the board game) on crack.
I kind of don't really like it all that much because there's no real overarching story and it hyperfocuses on one aspect from GPM (the simulation stuff). Sure all the lore stuff is cool but what I liked about GPM wasn't the lore or the simulation stuff but how all of it came together. Still, I'd like to give it a sixth try some day. At least it's better than GPO which is very very unfortunately straight up unplayable because of how casualized it is in a way that makes it way harder in reality. They remove the emotion system and half the dialogue, and the "gameplay" now is the worst TPS you have ever played.
As for the fash thing Shu, honestly this one that accusation passes for. Considering how the author was a JSDF soldier before becoming a game dev and how the whole scenario directly mirrors Operation Downfall (there's even a "Downfall" operation in the game itself which you might remember) where Chinese, American etc soldiers were going to swarm Kyushu in the case that they did not surrender. The aliens basically represent all those soldiers lmfao. Even the casualty numbers directly mirror Japanese casualties in WW2. Still! There's way more nuance to it than that, simply writing it off as raycist is exactly what I would expect from others on this website though. Considering that one Muramasa (Muramasa, of all things, where the mc shills for brits every five seconds and it's the one Japanese thing where the royalty isn't glorified) review on this website and how many idiots on twitter get pissed off as Muv-Luv I too am glad at the lack of dumbass takes about this game.

1 year ago

And Shu, the game is indeed hyper nationalistic but it makes a lot of sense given the setting of the game (pretty much every country besides Japan straight up does not exist anymore and got owned by Aliens). Like I said, there's a lot of nuance to it as well. Unlike what a lot of people playing this would think, it isn't really the author sitting down and telling you that everyone that isn't Japanese should die or something. The feudal lord equivalent of the game (The Shibamuras) actually are better than everyone else at everything but they hold an iron fist over the country which makes everyone else kind of hate them on the inside.
Like a lot of other things, this mentioned "Nationalism" ties into the gameplay as well. Mai Shibamura has S+ stats in like everything but since everyone hates her when you play as her (or if you befriend her) everyone else starts ignoring you and you lose out on crucial skills and entire gameplay mechanics. Oh as always, there's a Yukio Mishima stand-in too but it's done in a very interesting way.

1 year ago

The combat in Kenran is more or less just triangles trying to get on top of other triangles so they can do damage. If you overlay your triangle or get adjacent you can use a melee weapon or the shield charge (always use the latter because it's a guaranteed instant kill if it hits, and it usually does) and that's about all you need to do. Torpedoes also exist but honestly they're so slow by the time you can launch them off and actually hit you're probably a turn away from a shield charge anyway. It's really simple the UI is just atrocious and easily one of the least legible UI I've dealt with and I've played dwarf fortress on and off for about 10 years now.
An example of how bad it gets during a large battle. You can use triangle to switch through and see who is who but it's still unreadable. Amazing how they managed to make underwater robot trireme battles boring. Don't even get the pleasure of seeing a FMV of the robot slamming through the subs.

Worth mentioning that I think the shield charges go both ways and assume that's why sometimes you'll just get a game over screen five seconds after the sub goes into level 1 battle stations (effectively a battle from Gunparade.)

I more or less just see it as something more akin to a less freeform version Taikou Risshiden or Mount and Blade. It's not much like Gunparade at all. It's like an inverse version of the RTK series adding officer mode. I think the events that happens sometimes that tell you about what else is going on in the galaxy are meant to be the main story but they feel more like hearing about Nobunaga getting killed at Honnō-ji in Nobunaga's Ambition than the events from Gunparade.

1 year ago

Woops, forget to mention: I do plan on doing a review on it after finishing my first playthrough. Wasn't really sure what to say about Gunparade but I have plenty to say about Kenran

1 year ago

>Yukio Mishima stand in
@TheRealBigC Play this, NOW

1 year ago

leftist essay

1 year ago

Hey, several games have won the Seiun Award in the past, including 13 sentinels itself lol, where did you get the info that this was the only one?

1 year ago

Several games, including 13 Sentinels have been NOMINATED for it. Which in nominations yes that is nothing special, but GPM is the only one to win the overall award.

1 year ago

Unless I am mistaken about that too, in which case fair enough.But as far as I remember GPM is the only overall winner as far as video games go.
Awards and things like that are still secondary anyway to everything else about the game.
Nominations for video games are pretty significant since the last thing nominated for a Seiun before 13S was GPM, which won.

1 year ago

it do be hardfaxx

1 year ago

Yeah you where right, I looked it wrong, all the other where only nominees, and while a nomination is important as others have mentioned, being the only one to actually win is clearly an upper level.
Not that this matters much to the purposes of the review though, which is a fantastic one btw.