What bugs me about Pokemon Scarlet is there's a good game in there, a very decent Pokemon game just screaming in there under just a mess of technical issues.

I didn't go into this expecting anything great, after seeing everyone's reactions to it - all the videos of the bugs, etc, etc. What I didn't expect was how frustrating they are.

Every few seconds, from turning to loading into a battle is just frame drops, the graphics (while ugly environmentally, but not for the pokemon/humans) could be absolutely excused if it performed well, but, it doesn't. There's so many other games on the switch that have open worlds with enemies in the field that have very very minor frame drops (Xenoblade, for instance) and to see this just struggle to run is mind blowing.

Every time a new weather effect happened I had to brace for the inevitable moving at 5fps until I could get clear of whatever condition had just started.

Now, another thing - the gyms. Is it too much to ask to just have a 'heres a gym with 5 trainers and then the leader' back? I didn't much care for the gimmicks each had - I didn't hate them, but i just wanted to ... battle? with my pokemon? like you expect from a pokemon game ( The team star bases did this very well though at least).

And then we get onto the 'Open World' - good in concept, not so well executed. It felt small yet somehow empty and big? There's also the 'allowing you to do things in any order' - whilst still somehow having an order in mind but not telling you this order so you'll end up going to the fifth gym thinking its the next one.

I just really wanted to love/enjoy this and it just has so much that's punching you constantly rather than letting you enjoy it.

Reviewed on May 02, 2023
