The Dark Pictures: Little Hope tasks you with answering the question: Can Supermassive Games make an ending that lands? - the answer I found is: not really.

It's frustrating, I know what they were going for here, I get the ending, I get why it was done. I don't think it's satisfying however and it quite honestly takes away from a lot of what's happened throughout the 5 hours I put into it.

I did thoroughly enjoy the mystery around Little Hope and the witch trials of its past, I actually made a dumbass move this time (unlike with Man of Medan) and got someone killed! There was also more 'combat' segments and quick-time life-or-death split second decision making moments in this one compared to MoM, which, was appreciated.

While it didn't have as many obtuse jump scares, of those that still persisted felt wholly unnecessary especially as they were 'transitional' moments to other scenes - purely baffling.

Reviewed on Aug 16, 2023
