Despite losing Jak's moveset from 1 and making combat a bit more of a focus, concocting a slower-paced game, and a non-sensical story that amounts to nothing I still found a lot to love from this childhood classic. In this game, Daxter completely forgets to save his best friend for 2 years which I came around to cause it's sort of in character and kinda funny, to exterminate bugs for Osmo, just cause Osmo compliments him once. It's goofy but it's a concept that lends you to explore the interiors of Haven City. This honestly I found to be the coolest part the level designs being centered around these buildings in a steampunk kind of wartorn city and going behind the scenes of them climbing through pipes and vents. Along with these levels comes an impressive amount of detail, especially for the PSP they're vibrant and fun to explore for the orbs really well-made all around. A genuinely underrated soundtrack, some simple but satisfying combat and unique platforming mechanics with the gas tank and its supplementary upgrades makes Daxter one of the PSP's more impressive and prolific titles

It's overall a nice, short, and sweet nothing that'll knock your socks off but consistently has some cool ideas in exchange for the expanded move set of the first game. Has a lot of character but nothing burger of a story with mildly funny moments. Maybe it's that nostalgia talking but overall a good time worth a peep esp if you like Jak 1.

Reviewed on Jan 30, 2024
