I realize this game is not entirely my cup of tea, I had to look up and follow a guide a lot of the time 'cause I was lost or missing an item, also a lot of the bosses were lowkey kicking my ass into the dirt.

However despite all this I find that there is a lot to love and I can definitely recognize how important LTTP is to video games as a medium. From the score, to the world bursting with secrets, to the smaller things like the jingles of making a discovery, LTTP is nothing short of iconic.

A lot of the magic while I can still definitely appreciate is a little lost on me due to my frustrations but I mean come on it's LTTP of course its worth playing and of course it's a gem.

Reviewed on May 22, 2023

1 Comment

1 year ago

that’s my biggest gripe with old zelda top downs, i hate that it feels like you basically need a guide if you get even a little lost. really takes me out of the whole adventuring on my own through hyrule thing and i just don’t end up finishing them