This is a simplified first person dungeon crawler where the goal is to step on every tile in a floor. Once you step on every tile and go to the next floor, it reveals an image. As a DS game, the most obvious comparison would be Etrian odyssey, which probably was an influence, but the specific mechanics are rather different.

Rather than the standard turn based style, in this game you tap/slide your stylus across enemies on the touchscreen to attack and use a shield with the directional buttons to block, all in real time. Perfect guards exist, causing a counterattack, but unfortunately if multiple enemies attack at the same time you'll counter one and take damage from the other, that's annoying. Battle depth is simply learning the different timings and areas that deal the most damage, plus equipment that favor taps vs slicing, there's not a whole lot of strategy. The actual enemy animations are nice though, they have a good bit of personality.

The dungeons themselves are reasonably complex, there's classic sliding ice puzzles, recovery springs, invisible walls, tiles that change the floor when you step on them, that sort of thing. Noticeably absent are the damage floors and pitfalls, though pitfalls don't really fit this game's individual floor based design. These dungeons genuinely do feel designed by people who like the difficult style of Etrian Odyssey, there aren't many shortcuts, sometimes if you miss a single spot you'll have to go a long way back.

Now back to the Etrian Odyssey comparison and this game being played on the touch screen with the map on the top screen. The map isn't very detailed, the only specifics you get are teleports, otherwise it's just ground, wall, and exit. There's no way to mark waypoints or create map notes in game. On bigger floors this is annoying cause you might forget where switches are, forget one way conveyors, etc.

The aesthetic aspects of this game do not hold it together well unfortunately. There's no real story to this game, just a bit of messages based on failed adventurers and some implication that people who die in the dungeon get turned into more floors. The enemy graphics are nice but the dungeon itself is rather dull, though this genre isn't really known for outstanding graphics so that's fine. There's not much music in the game and it isn't very good.

Most of the individual levels are nice, but there's 60 floors so without any interesting aesthetics, simplified battles, and near nonexistent story this game gets quite tiring. There are 60 floors in total, I'm dropping this around floor 46, I've seen enough of it. If it were half as long and just focused on the more interesting dungeon puzzles I'd probably like Picdun a lot more. The sequel looks like it has an actual story and characters so hopefully that can be enough to hold the rest together.

Reviewed on May 04, 2024
