F3 2019


----------- Super Mario Galaxy -----------
17:52 Super Mario Galaxy 64
----------- 2D Mario -----------
20:47 Super Mario Bros: The Extra Objects
----------- Nintendo Fan Games -----------
26:24 Project Green
27:21 Nintendo Nightmare Deluxe
----------- Pokemon -----------
30:06 Pokemon Final Legacy
31:43 SmashMons: Spirt Red
----------- Earthbound -----------
33:47 MaternalBound: An EarthBound & Mother 2 Bond!
36:27 Project GW
----------- French SM64 Community -----------
37:31 Celestial Kingdom
39:16 Super Mario: The End of the Stars
40:59 Super Mario Meltdown
43:45 Super Mario Lost Worlds: Crusade
----------- Mario Kart -----------
56:11 F-Zero DSX
57:00 Mario Kart DS: Gamecube Grand Prix
----------- SM64 DS -----------
58:26 Super Mario 64 DS Online

Mario Kart Wii: CTGP Revolution
Mario Kart Wii: CTGP Revolution
The Legend of Banjo-Kazooie: The Jiggies of Time
The Legend of Banjo-Kazooie: The Jiggies of Time
Star Revenge 6.25: Luigi's Adventure DX
Star Revenge 6.25: Luigi's Adventure DX
Mario Party 64
Mario Party 64
Zelda 64: Dawn & Dusk
Zelda 64: Dawn & Dusk
Super Mario 64 Peach's Memory
Super Mario 64 Peach's Memory
The Legend of Zelda: Master of Time
The Legend of Zelda: Master of Time
Super Clash Bros.
Darius Maker
Super Mario Sunshine DS
Super Mario Sunshine DS
The Spy Who Loved Me 64
The Spy Who Loved Me 64
Toadette's Sweets Gallery
Yoshi's Adventure 96: Puzzles for Yoshis
Yoshi's Adventure 96: Puzzles for Yoshis
Ztar Attack 3: Dimensional Panic
Ztar Attack 3: Dimensional Panic


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