replayed this for what could very well possibly be less than 5 hours of truly new content, still worth it.

spare the ost, which I hope eventually gets added/modded in, this is pretty much the game i already thought was perfect with every little irk grinded out. i always thought i'd prefer brother nier, and i definitely do after seeing his version, dad nier is still good and valid but brother nier just hits too different with all the minor differences piling up.

the gameplay being better makes the twists hit a bit harder too, the amateurish sword animations do so as well.

ray chase convinces me even more that he's my favorite voice actor with his performances in the later half, and pretty much all the returning voice actors do much better somehow from an already god tier performance.

ending d and now e are extremely peak endings, gonna be very hard for yoko taro to top or equal this game for me but i hope he does with the new shit coming up

Reviewed on May 02, 2021
