de Blob (2008)... where do I begin. This game has changed my perspective on life in a philosophical way. It has taught me to think smarter, and to enjoy life everyday like it's my last. This game challenges your intelligence on the world and makes you rethink your stance on society as a whole. In terms of gameplay, de Blob doesn't disappoint. The game is not dark Souls hard, but it isn't Sonic Forces easy either. This is a game that can be enjoyed by anyone. It also pioneered the "splat-type" gameplay seen in more recent titles like Splatoon. The story is a deep social-commentary on fixing things that are broken. de Blob goes around an emply, colorless world, and spreads color to make the city and scenery pop by the end of each level. He's almost like a color Santa Claus. In conclusion, de Blob is a masterpiece created by the finest of developers. It's worthy of the title "greatest game of all time", up there with the likes of Halo 3, Super Mario 64, and A Link to the Past. Everyone and their grandmother should play this at least once, it is truly an unforgettable experience that will live on in gaming history as one of the greats. 7/10 too political.

Reviewed on Mar 28, 2022
