I don't regret playing this game, but it wasn't really good either. While I almost certainly am dumb as shit for not realizing this, I managed to make it to the final stage and final boss before actually understanding that this was a puzzle shooter. I had simply been shooting everything, assuming that the RNG gods decided whether or not I lived or died. Maybe there is some tutorial out there but from my initial session of hitting new game, to reaching the final boss, I never once actually knew how the puzzle segment of the game worked. Not holding your hand is fine is some cases but kind of baffling in this one. If you can almost beat the final boss (I literally doubled KO'D with the boss and had to reset) before understanding truly how the mechanics of the game worked, something has gone awry. I can't stress enough how frustrated I was thinking it was the games fault for me constantly getting, what I was initially dubbing as "impossible" runs, because spamming shots worked around 70% of the time. The biggest frustration with this game is definitively the run back to bosses. While in most schmups you get to learn all the patterns of enemies and master the game to the point of doing it in your sleep, in this game with its puzzle aspects, you are actually have to do light puzzle solving EVERY TIME you die to a boss. The boss run isn't something to be memorized but something to be solved. Couple this with annoying environmental enemies that damage you, as well as accidentally dying by boxing yourself in, it really left a bad taste in my mouth. Upon mulling it over I'd definitely say the game was more fun than not, but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, not even enjoyers of puzzle and schump games.

Reviewed on Nov 07, 2023
