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The most beautiful broken game ever made, the pinnacle of the fantasy of being an assassin crammed to a game with flawless parkour animations, difficult combat, perfect OST and years and years of building the city of Paris. But why Ubisoft, why gives us such a broken game, filled with automation, glitches and lack of player control that was so predominant and emphasized in the series? It was rushed. The game took 4 years and still came out buggy and unfinished. The franchise has the most potential to be great and yet it chooses not to, as if sickened by it's own capability.
Never again would we see such remarkable display of potential being almost realized and that's what makes this the most beautiful yet broken game.

Good story, but leaves a lot to be desired in the controls aspect, navigating the map was clunky and controls were weirdly mapped but it's a good story game overall.