This game is difficult to review as it is unapologetically short, simple, and absurd. It's a bizarre little game that has the player exploring a colourful island, witnessing various events and interacting with objects for achievements. Towards the end of the game, an event happens that changes the atmosphere of the island completely. This is where the game shines, as there are tonnes of morbid details and the game's humour works well to highlight these events. Accompanying the game is the wonderful soundtrack that absolutely is the best feature of the game.

Pineapple on pizza can be beaten in ~5 minutes. Therefore, if you're curious, I don't see the harm in trying it out as it is totally free. It's hard to hold the criticisms I have too harshly against the game because it is self-aware in it's presentation. I personally do not agree with the heavy plaudits this game has received, and I found it to be a mediocre experience at best and not memorable in the slightest. But I recognize I'm in the minority and I encourage you to give it a shot and see what you think.

Reviewed on Apr 14, 2023
