Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk is a short interactive experience that intends to capture the emotional suffrage that can accompany someone who suffers with mental illness. We accompany a young girl, and explore the suffocating thought process burdening her as a result of her mental health. Although her particular condition is never revealed to the player, I think the game does a great job of representing how mental health can impact simple tasks, such as going out to buy milk and as someone with anxiety, I do relate to a lot of the thought processes explored.

This game is incredibly short, taking me less than 20m to complete. I found the art direction of the game intriguing, but at times extremely hard to make out what exactly was going on, although I think this was the developers intention, leaving the majority of this game up to the interpretation of the player. Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk was far from a great visual novel game, but it's psychological horror elements coupled with mental health representation make this game memorable despite that. I believe Nikita Kryukov was able to express their vision with more polish and artistically with the sequel which is much better.

Reviewed on Apr 22, 2023
