Milk outside a bag of milk outside a bag of milk elevates the ingredients that made the first installment so intriguing. This game creates such a stronger atmosphere than the first, escalating it with techniques similar to what we see in analogue horror, with fourth wall breaks and uncanny happenings. An immediate improvement is noticed with the art direction, with some segments receiving animated sequences that look great. The colour palette is fantastic, and visually the game is unique and much clearer than Milk Inside. The soundtrack and sound effects are used sparingly and couple well together to contribute to a higher quality product in every regard.

Narratively, the game continues where Milk Inside left off, and continues the struggle of this young woman with her mental health, trauma, and medication. This serves to explore these ideas and themes that were established with the first game in a much deeper way, now with several endings to achieve, resulting in a different dream sequence depending on our actions within the bedroom.

For all these quality of life improvements, I still think Milk Outside was unable to hit the expectations I had for the game. Although prettier, the game isn't significantly longer than the first, and I still think there is a greater amount of potential that can be told with the ideas here. The story is almost too symbolic with it's messaging, some endings are entirely unclear with what they represent. The significance of her trauma is also a mystery, which I think provides a disservice for this game as there are several factors. However, I do appreciate that the representation of the mental health struggles being generic allows players to project their own experiences onto the game and thereby relate. Her mental health struggles have motifs similar to anxiety, depression, OCD, ADHD, autism, schizophrenia, PTSD, etc. The game however, feels a lucid representation of these themes, rather than a striking narrative that would explore these struggles in a more meaningful way.

Reviewed on Apr 22, 2023
