Babysitter Bloodbath is a short horror experience that pays homage to early slasher flicks such as the Halloween franchise. In fact, this game was initially developed as a fan game for Halloween, but due to copyright issues the game was reworked into an original title.

Alike the aforementioned movie, Babysitter Bloodbath follows the story of a young babysitter named Sarah, who quickly finds herself being stalked and pursued by a deranged mask-wielding killer. Compared to Puppet Combo's next title Power Drill Massacre, this game does a much better job of creating a more complete horror experience. In Power Drill Massacre encounters with the killer felt cheap, random, and unfairly forced. In Babysitter Bloodbath the interactions with the killer feel more natural and intentional, while the jumpscares are less jarring but still impactful.

There are more characters and dialogue, which albeit are corny, but they do a better job of making these characters easier to like and the stakes thereby feel higher. Coupled with this are more puzzles, this includes smaller challenges like making cereal and finding liquor but also include more intense problems that involve avoiding the threats in the house whilst finding key items for progression.

One standout moment occurs during a specific set piece when the killer approaches the player, and the camera splits, providing different perspectives, including the killer's as he approaches. This did a really good job of invoking an innate sense of panic immediately in the player, establishing a fairer horror experience compared to their previous title which is much appreciated.

Puppet Combo hits it out of the park with the atmosphere again through the marriage of slasher movies and retro video games to create something truly special. Throughout the game, Babysitter Bloodbath pays homage to several classical horror tropes and sprinkles in some ironic humour that couples well. The more effective balance in these elements creates more suspense, and the tension crescendo is well-designed compared to Power Drill Massacre.

Some players may struggle with the visual design, clunky controls, and the claustrophobic camera, regardless of the chosen style. However, these aspects contribute to the game's tension. Overall, Babysitter Bloodbath represents a fantastic start for Puppet Combo, but it would benefit from additional features such as multiple endings and potentially further chapters to enhance replayability and deepen the core concepts.

Reviewed on May 28, 2023
