I really love Infinite Space, I'm kinda of surprised to see that people don't find the game too interesting and the mechanics of the combat too complex or boring. I know that's not all of what was said but I want people to give this game a chance, and Im going to say why.

Imagine that space travel is common and humanity has explored it since way before you were born, but you're stuck in your planet. After getting the chance to go on an adventure and have your own spaceship, you can go to every corner of the galaxy, interact with each satelite or planet's citizens and partake in space battles. You can hire people to help you as you take the role of the captain. So you customize your ship and assign your crew to various jobs inside your fleet (yes you now have a fleet). You journey through space, and it's kinda of difficult at first, it's a big place y'know. One day you talk to a bartender in this one planet, the guy is annoying but you hear his story, he talks about his ex wife and some other stuff but you don't pay much attention. Then you travel to another galaxy, and here's the guy's ex wife, she tells you he is unemployed after losing his bar. You go back and now he's asking you to be part of your crew, you can say no, but you're not a monster, so you have him come along with you. Now you want to talk to other people in the bar, and you meet the space police who takes care of the Gate you need to pass to travel to another galaxy, you bribe them to get a free pass, just to go the gate and the guys who you met at the bar don't really care if you gave them half of your money, youre not getting past them, now you need to get your point across with a little violence.

I can't summarize the whole game bc that would be dumb and a waste of time, but this game rewards exploration, it rewards the time and effort you put into it, the writting is really engaging and the characters are colorfull, the combat is a little on the difficult side but the immersion it creates by having you on the edge, always thinking if you could take on this random ship you've encountered in the middle of your journey to the next planet bc you suffered enough in the last encounter, it creates a sense of danger that space exploration is not something everyone should be doing, this game oozes atmosphere and heart. To really explore space and have your journey, to engage with the world around you and change what little you can by effort and perseverance, this is Infinite Space.

Reviewed on Oct 22, 2023
