Perfect for fans of the Genesis era of games cause it really feels like they slapped stuff like Rocket Knight and Gunstar Heroes onto Sonic. The controls of this game are magic. Definitely my favorite part of it and the large amount of powerups add a lot of variety to the game. The music and visuals are also incredibly good. The main issue comes with the levels. Now they look good and they're fun to traverse, but they're just not memorable in any specifics. Yeah I can tell they're different levels but I can't tell you anything about it. Plus, they're super big and labyrinth like but with no setpieces or few new mechanic to make it stick out. The early levels just lack variety. Now this improves as the game goes along as the aesthetics get more distinct and they add new mechanics. I still think there's issue with the labyrinth like design but the variety to gameplay helps make them stand out a bit more. That's what Sonic levels were really great at. Making each level memorable and giving them a distinct look and new mechanic.

Reviewed on Sep 16, 2020
