Nice ps2 action game shooter from 2007, with a bit of a cinematic flair, nothing very crazy.
Played on the Nathan Drake Collection, on the ps4.

I can't imagine what people were expecting from it before its release by the folks who made the edgy mess that is Jak II, or what would happen when the next game descended on us like a train falling from an airplane, forever shaping the medium. I'll think about 2007's Uncharted when i'm playing Forspoken.

The funny thing is that I’m pretty sure this game had some its plot and aesthetics stolen in the making of 'Fools Gold', a movie released the following year; and in turn, even funnier, eventually they stole back from the movie and put some of it on the 4th game. Fools Gold (2008), with Mhatthew Mhacghonhaughey, is a better Uncharted movie than the actual Uncharted movie. Now that's some crazy business.

Reviewed on Jan 09, 2024
