Sights & Sounds
- The art direction is amazing. The storybook style works well with a puzzle game like this
- The music is appropriate, but you won't be humming along or anything

Story & Vibes
- There's not much of a story here, or if there is one, it's very well hidden
- It's mostly just a chill puzzle game. Relax, enjoy the art, and try to figure it out

Playability & Replayability
- Like most point & click puzzle games, you'll be pointing and clicking to solve the puzzles
- I suppose there's some replayability in terms of trying to go back and get all the achievements, but I'm not feeling motivated to do that. Beating the game in 30 minutes seems stressful

Overall Impressions & Performance
- The game looked amazing and ran perfectly

Final Verdict
- 7/10. Well worth your time if you can snag it cheap. Otherwise, the price is a little steep for a 1-2 hour game

Reviewed on Jan 04, 2024
