Sights & Sounds
- I really enjoyed the variety of arcade-style pixel art used throughout the various games you play. The real visual show-stoppers, though, are the story vignettes you see between the gameplay sections
- The music is what exactly what you'd expect given the 80's aesthetic. Lots and lots of synth

Story & Vibes
- Not much of a story going on; this game is all about the specific feelings of suburban isolation and stagnation experienced by basically every young person who's had the misfortune of a suburban childhood. It's an easy feeling to relate to for everyone who eventually fled their pond

Playability & Replayability
- Gameplay consists entirely of five short arcade game sections. You start out with a beat-em-up, move on to a scrolling shooter, dodge slowpokes in a racing game, test your reaction times in a surprisingly difficult ninja autoscroller, and wrap up with a mysterious sci-fi RPG
- Given their short lengths, none of these games are mechanically deep. They don't really need to be, either

Overall Impressions & Performance
- It's a very short game that will really resonate with anyone who had dreams in high school that were bigger than their environment could accommodate. I'm no Gen-Xer (I was born in the late 80s), so I can't relate to the time period as much personally beyond the media I consumed as a kid. The mood still feels familiar, though
- Keep that short run time (easily < 2 hours) in mind when setting your price
- No bugs or performance issues to report

Final Verdict
- 6/10. A nice little snack to try between longer games

Reviewed on Jan 04, 2024
