Sights & Sounds
- Looked quite good on my setup; lighting and water effects were very nice
- Music was serviceable and appropriate to the setting. None of the tracks really left much of an impression though. Not immersion breaking but not something that you'll be humming along to either
- Character designs were quite good
- The voice acting is very well done (I played in English, so I can't speak for the quality for other locales)

Story & Vibes
- The game takes place in medieval France during an English invasion. I found the realistic setting mixed with fantasy/"magical realism" elements to be a fairly engrossing setting
- Without wading into spoilers, the story is quite dark. You're tasked with finding a cure for your little brother, who is afflicted by a mysterious illness
- The overall atmosphere is fairly oppressive. At times, the game gives off the vibes of a survival-horror game, particularly during the last two boss fights

Playability & Replayability
- I played the game using an XBox Elite 2 controller, and found the default controls to be more than adequate. Usually, I wind up mapping some things to the backpaddles to free up my thumbs for easier movement, but didn't find it necessary in this game.
- If you've played stealth games before, the mechanics of this game shouldn't be too foreign. Try to sneak past and distract enemies, or fight them if you want. I'd really advise taking the stealtier option in most cases. Crafting ammo can cut into the resources you need to upgrade your equipment and alchemy, so save your shots if you can.
- Although there are a some escort quest elements in this game, I never found them to be too intrusive or annoying. I typically hate escort quests, but this game managed it well.
- Friendly AI is usually pretty good (stays hidden when you're in stealth, stays put where you ask them, completes the tasks you want with a d-pad command), but I did have a few hiccups. The biggest was when an ally decided to go into stealth next to a crate instead of behind it, causing me to be detected.
- There are a couple of "decision points" throughout the game, but I'm not sure they add much to the replayability. In all, I'm probably not returning to the game after beating it.

Overall Impressions
- I was a bit disappointed by the game's short length; it only took me about 12.5 hours to complete. If you're looking for something to blow through over a long weekend, there are worse choices out there
- While a competent game, there's not really anything innovative or new here. Just a good, if short, time.
- No crashes, audio cutouts, or stuttering. The game ran like a dream the whole way through.

Final Verdict
- 8/10. Intriguing story, excellent visuals, and solid gameplay make this a good game to throw on your wishlist and wait for a sale

Reviewed on Jan 04, 2024
