It took me a while to beat this one; I enjoyed the campaign overall but I found the gunplay to be slightly lacking compared to the first Modern Warfare. Some missions really stand out to me in this game such as 'No Russian' which was extremely brutal and tragic, I haven't experienced anything like that in a game before, the story and level design really stand out as some of Call of Duty's best to this day.

The gameplay is fun, but one thing I absolutely can not get used to is the blood-splatter effect. It feels like you get shot once and then your entire vision is compromised by this bloody overlay which was consistently ruining the flow of combat for me. As well as this, there was something about the rawness of Call of Duty 4 that made the gunplay so satisfying that I just didn't feel in this title, I don't think the gunplay here is bad by any means but I'll always prefer CoD 4 in that sense.

Overall, a good title with fun gameplay mechanics and an incredible story.

Reviewed on Feb 21, 2024
