Hob is a simple top down action adventure game that tried to be “Zelda” like but ultimately isn’t much like it. Yes you get a sword and shield and you explore an overworld doing puzzles but it’s all done in a very linear way. The only real exploring is done to find various upgrades like health and energy which powers some of your heavier attacks.

Combat is ok at best, you slash and roll around enemies for most of the fights. Later on you have to make use of your robot fist to break defenses and have a tether go rip shields. A few other moves are added on but the game never really explores the combat, there are basically no bosses outside the final one.

Most of the game is spend solving puzzles and figuring out the way forward. It’s usually some form of finding a path to a switch which in a cool feature rearranged the world, this world moves around likes it’s one big mechanical contraption but rather than play with moving pieces in a puzzle sense it’s all scripted and linear. That’s what’s missing, the player involvement in the puzzle solving, it all boils down to just being observant and placing object into thing.

I still enjoyed my time with it, the optional upgrades do reward going off the beaten path and that’s the closest to Zelda like I got. It’s about 10 hours so it’s a decent length, maybe lasts too long. It’s just missing the extra layer of complexity that makes a decent game a great one.

Score: 6.9

Reviewed on Jun 28, 2021
