Most reviews for this game seem to hover in the "mid" territory. I kind of get why, since in some ways the game does have an empty feel, can be a somewhat repetitive, AA budget, different from the rest of the "Valkyrie" series and is very light on story... at first. At worst I found this game pretty cozy and fun despite its repetitive nature at some points, at best I was genuinely surprised at how good the narrative turned out. I definitely get the "6/10" reviews but I feel this game has a lot to offer if you give it a chance. The empty feeling really serves the story well and reminds me of the weird "something isn't right" vibe of Nier: Replicant. Feels like a PS2 game structurally (positive) but with more refined gameplay than a PS2 budget title would have. Not on the level of something like a Platinum game, but it really clicked with me. Get the true ending, play on Hard Mode, and get the outline removal and film grain removal mods if you play on PC. Personal 8/10, more realistically a 6 or 7/10

Reviewed on May 10, 2023
