After playing Super Metroid, Fusion, and the first scenes of Dread, I decided to go back and re-play the story that started it all, the original Metroid. However, that game hasn't aged quite as kindly as say, Super Metroid. This may sound heretical to some, but the original NES title was borderline unplayable to me, after being spoiled with the mechanics of the later game. I'm sure I could've trudged through it, but come on- why would I when this remake exists? To some extent I think future generations will feel the same way about going back to play the GBA games after playing Dread... the gameplay is more refined than ever. Anyhow, I very much enjoyed this remake of the original story. It allowed a fake gamer like me to dive into the original story and have a good time doing it. That, and the introduction of Zero Suit Samus make this game worth playing, especially considering it's shorter runtime than other entries.