I have trouble ever listing any type of media as a definitive favorite, so to call Baldur's Gate 3 my favorite game of all time would be no small feat. It has earned that spot along with all the awards that likely hold more weight than my personal opinion.

I rarely play a game at release, especially larger ones that are going to take up a ton of my time. Usually I wait a year minimum to jump in, but I was gifted this game and the allure was so strong I just had to try it out. I have not been this entranced by a game in a long time. At one point I was literally dreaming about it. It got me through many hard times in my personal life and served as the perfect escape. No game of its scale has come close to letting me live out my ideal fantasy as a queer person without it being made into a big deal. As a huge tabletop RPG fan, playing Baldur's Gate 3 came so close to the actual experience of playing in some of my favorite adventures with friends.

My only complaint is that I ran into a few bugs, especially in Act 3 but the developer has been so responsive to the community that I have no hesitation to still recommend the game at the caveat that you wait a bit if you are worried about this negatively effecting your experience.

I am so happy I didn't finish until after the epilogue had been patched in. It was the perfect way to end my journey and after 300 hours, finally say goodbye. I wish I was a better writer so I could truly express how much this game means to me. A massive thank you to Larian Studios and the entire team for creating an incredible experience.

Reviewed on Dec 15, 2023
