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ebern finished Somerville
It's a rainy day and I needed something moody and atmospheric to keep my attention. Somerville succeeded in just that!

The art direction here is just simply amazing. Stunning and completely mesmerizing visuals all throughout the game. Sometimes I would just stop and look at the shot. Absolutely incredible.

I feel undecided on the depth to which I enjoyed the story. Part of that is likely due to the vagueness of the storytelling and the uninformed choice I made that resulted in the ending I received. Wish I would've done some Googling in that moment! Will likely replay the last chapter to see the other endings. It was difficult to feel grounded in the story in the last act... which maybe is the point? When you're in simulations of simulations I suppose the player is meant to feel lost, but I can't help but wonder if there could have also been more storytelling elements to help with the confusion I felt. I can appreciate voiceless storytelling, but I wish there may have been more cutscenes between characters to show the depth of the relationships. I felt an odd mix of feeling protected and supported by life around me, while also feeling helplessly alone due to not being able to interact with anyone.

All in all - so much respect to the team in creating such a visually captivating piece of sci-fi art. Will be reading Reddit threads to understand the lore and unlock the other endings.

A breakdown -
Act 1: Absolutely incredible. 5 stars. I was LOCKED IN.
Act 2: Too much time in the mines!
Act 3: I don't know what is happening but I know it is epic.

A note - I would also recommend playing this on a PC or in handheld as I initially tried to play on my TV but got too frustrated solving puzzles because it was difficult to see details with the dark atmosphere on a far away screen.

5 hrs ago

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