This game has been really monumental to me because it has opened up a new genre of games into my backlog that I did not even know I was interested in. Gaming is a hobby that I have only gotten into seriously in the past few years or so, and I am constantly learning about what interests/engages me. Honestly before discovering Coffee Talk, I don't think I even knew this sort of game existed. I have been a long-time lover and supporter of Lofi Girl, as a channel that was a place of calm for me through my four years of college...Now I am finding that same vibe in a quirky visual novel! So fun.

I love all of the characters, and the fantasy beings that they represent. I also appreciate how they wove in social commentary without being too dark or in your face about it. Felt like they stayed on tone with the cozy-vibe, while also being grounded, realistic, and meaningful.

I love the art direction, I love the simplicity of the gameplay, and I LOVE how it made me feel to play!

If I had any gripes to mention... I do wish it was longer! I also unlocked the, I guess you could call it, secret ending... but I did have to look at a guide. I think I may have liked a little more specific instructions/an easier way to unlock new parts of the story without having to skip through tons of dialogue. I also wish there were more opportunities to make drinks so that I could unlock every special drink in story mode rather than doing it at the end!

As far as the post game goes, while there isn't a ton to do, I did love being able to scroll through the official art (including early renderings of characters) as well as comic strips. These additions, along with the daily newspaper, made the small scope of the coffee shop really feel like it was a part of a much larger world.

All in all - beautiful art direction, and a beautiful story. I wish I lived in the Coffee Talk world! Will be starting Episode 2 shortly.

Reviewed on May 20, 2024
