Just as it starts to run out of steam and begins to feel as if it's not much more than a mostly trivial checklist of progression achievements, it reveals its true form as an idle game and dares you to ramp everything into complete absurdity. Also, it costs about the same as a sandwich and has no microtransactions whatsoever, but some clinically insane lunatics on this site decided to compare it to a casino, or one of those mobile games that make the news when a small child uses their parents' credit card to buy ten grand worth of upgrades in five minutes, all these claims that this game doesn't belong in this world because... there's a (skippable) chest opening animation that isn't even that far removed from a Zelda game? Because there's a lot of numbers and these numbers go up, and then go up some more, and keep going up? Sure, eventually the numbers grow so large that everything becomes meaningless, but what is a game? A ludicrously huge pile of numbers. But enough talk - have at you!

Reviewed on Nov 24, 2022
