Didn't think it was too easy or anything, but I thought the combat and world atmosphere was a step down from Iceborne.

World atmosphere:
Even though the town here is beautiful I miss the feeling of rugged, slapdash industry of World's two main hubs. The maps are gorgeous and fun to traverse, but don't feel very alive. Wirebugs have replaced most of the necessity of vines, slides, and alternate transportation methods, and since monsters are always visible on the map you just sprint at them immediately smack them in the face. The tracking system in World definitely had flaws but finding and seeing monsters leave marks in the world made them feel like animals and connected them to their environments. You never get the sense that the monster is really living in the world with Rise, more that it was placed there by the hand of god.

The combat in Rise is faster paced, and much like World there's a focus on resource management. For Rise that's the wirebugs, for World it was mantles and slinger ammo. It's down to preference but I definitely prefer the mantle and slinger system. I feel like slinger ammo places so much focus on the environment and the monster while the wirebug places the focus strictly on the player. The mantle system offered a variety of effects, with different mantles being good for different things. Yes, mantle power needed tuning, but mantles had to be evaluated on deco slots and monster matchup, with most mantles having at least some powerful niche application. Wirebugs don't offer very compelling preparatory questions beyond switch skills.

Ultimately the preference I have for World is a preference for preparation. Rise is streamlined, but so streamlined it loses something. It's not a matter of having less pointless tasks or skippable cutscenes. It's a matter of centralization. Wirebugs are movement, combat, evasion, finishers, all in one. They regenerate quickly, so there's little punishment for misusing them. They allow you to simply ignore engaging with the world and routes around the world. Not really much of a rhythm to the pre-fight experience anymore.

Idk, game feels more like monster fighter than monster hunter.

Plus rampages are boring.

Still almost 200 hours so can't say I didn't get my money's worth lol.