4 reviews liked by electracity

Life is Strange is a franchise I never thought I'd get into. Hell, the only reasons why I eventually gave it a shot were that, for one, a very good friend of mine told me frequently about how much those games meant to him growing up, and two, the original became dirt cheap on Steam when a new game in the franchise was announced.

It took a while to really draw me in, but after episode 2 I got pretty hooked. Even though the clunky writing and the specific artsy teen hipster aesthetic can get a bit much at points, the story is generally pretty well put together and every episode usually has at least one very interesting and engaging difficult situation.
Episode 3 and 4 must have been my favorite ones.

I'm not absolutely in love with it, but I did enjoy it quite a lot. Enough to give Before the Storm and Life is Strange 2 a shot as well.

Has some great ideas and I honestly liked the final episode a lot but man this just gets bogged down by the writing. The slang is outdated but even worse than that it just feels like it doesn't really know where it's going half the time. Plot points get picked up & dropped very quickly and the gameplay leaves a lot to be desired especially in the penultimate episode. Overall, a decent idea and a good foundation but this needed more work unfortunately.

I really do love this game, despite how much I agree with people about the writing and the cringy dialogue, there's just so much fun and emotion to be had with this game.
And yeah, I've grown to agree that the relationship that Chloe and Max have is incredibly toxic, mainly because I had a similar situation with a "friend" of mine and could see why people hate her.
There are times in this game where she does become a better character like choosing to sacrifice herself to save the people of Arcadia Bay and even referring to David as her stepfather instead of stepdouche at the end, but overall, her character is kinda bitchy.