Watched Market Pliers play this game a year and a half ago and thought it looked really neat, and what do ya know? It is neat.

This game wears its Resident Evil influence on its sleeve (non-coincidentally, my second Resident Evil inspired game review in a row), but you don't need to know a thing about Resident Evil to get your mileage out of this - case and point, I don't know pretty much anything about RE and I liked it. Also some Amnesia influence thrown in there.

I recommend going in blind for sure, while the story is nothing special (in fact, it is, quite literally, a nightmare, a fact the game doesn't hide), there are some surprises you won't want spoiled, and a few decent scares. Not much more to say for me. 2 hour game and cheap.

There are some large spiders in this one, though, I guess that's worth noting for some people. They're late game and you'll see their webs first, but still worth noting.

Reviewed on May 25, 2024
