Chrono Trigger is the most polished SNES game ever made.

Whether it's the whimsical soundtrack, the amazing pixel art or the really touching story, almost everything from that game is top-notch. Its insane production value from Square is REALLY apparent when playing it. My only grip with it is the battle system and the difficulty: I absolutely loathe the ATB system and I felt the game was way too easy, apart from some bosses (though it never became boring so I don't mind the easiness).

One thing I noticed too is that the characters never look like they were designed by Akira Toriyama while playing the game. Obviously there's only so much you can do with that many pixels, but idk, everytime I see their portraits in the menu or watch the PS1 cutscenes, I'm always surprised for a little bit.

I always knew about the game and how it was suposedly perfect in every single way, so maybe it came off a little disapointing to me when it wasn't, but I still had an amazing time with this timeless (eheh) classic.

Reviewed on Jun 10, 2021
