I'm just gonna start with the bad.
Classic Sonic's controls and physic are awful which can lead to a lot of frustration when you know you could've made a jump in every other 2D Sonic but you didn't here because the physics are so borked.
The level length is so disappointing, it feels like you're only getting started and then the level ends.
Classic Sonic's music is actually vile, I have no clue what happened there.
The secret and extra levels BLOW.
The super forms being DLC is incredibly lazy, they really should've woven them into the plot.

The mediocre.
Some of the Wispons are a lot of fun to use but then you have stuff like the Cube and Asteroid Wispons which feel like a slog to use, I'm also not a fan of how you go around obtaining Wispons with skills.
The level design can be really good even though it doesn't last long enough.
The story is not good but it's not awful, definitely has a lot of memorable lines but nowhere near the levels of the Adventure games and 06.
The lack of many distinct locales hurts the game because there's only around 6 of them and there's also 30 levels in the game so it can easily start to feel stale.
The overworld conversations feel really low quality because a lot of them really should've been cutscenes.
The Avatar's physics aren't awful but they accelerate wayyy too fast.
The difficulty either feels really easy on Hard or it feels like it's just bullshitting me like in Iron Fortress.
Shadow's here which is cool, he definitely controls better than Sonic but I wish he got to do more.
I think the per-species abilities of the Avatar are interesting but some of them feel absolutely useless compared to species like the Wolf and Bird.

The good.
This game looks visually great! Everything looks extremely vibrant and the lighting is amazing.
All the music outside of Classic's stuff is pretty good across the board, I definitely really like the Radical Highway/Westopolis remix from Episode Shadow.
The avatar customization is really good because they let me have the SOAP shoes.
Replaying levels to get the best time possible is still really fun in this game, definitely feels way better to shave off seconds knowing how short these levels can be.

Reviewed on Jun 26, 2022
