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This game fucks

The main party are easily my favorite cast of main characters in the Klaus Saga, they're all so well fleshed-out and it's just so enjoyable to see them interact with each other, Eunie steals the show by being the most unapologetically British character I've seen in a video game. EN VAs do a super good job here too!! They were directed super well!!

Music goes hard but that's expected from a MonolithSoft game, the Moebius Battle Theme is probably my personal favorite, does a really good job setting the stakes in those fights.

I don't know how to exactly articulate my thoughts on the story other than I get where people are coming from with them "dropping the ball" after Chapter 5 but I was still very engrossed in the story past it. I fucking adore the ending and I'm ok if they were to just end everything with the Klaus Saga there.

I'm tearing up just writing this review but this is easily one of the best games I've ever played and that's not just the recency bias talking. This game is phenomenal.

Reviewed on Sep 29, 2022
