Word of a beautiful princess imprisoned by an evil sorcerer comes to a wandering bard. Could it be that you are the chosen one?

While that may have sounded cliché, this game has a great sense of humor that twists it all around: the bard (voiced by Cary Elwes from "The Princess Bride") is a sardonic sleaze who keeps making trouble and butting heads with everyone, including the narrator. Also, there are several musical numbers. The RPG part is completely streamlined: you do gain experience to level up and learn new skills, but there is no item management - when you pick up a better weapon or armor, the old one is replaced automatically, and anything else is converted into coin. Dialogues are also simplified, you only choose between nice or snarky. Combat is pretty nice: rather than a team, you use music to summon magical creatures to assist you.

Reviewed on Dec 12, 2023
