A game that makes fun of soul-sucking opportunistic corporatism while refusing to comment on its own indulgence in trendy play mechanics, linguistic tics, and aestheticized pastel wholesomeness is what one might call "hella sus." I might still have come away positively on the experience if the final dungeon wasn't so fucking horrible. Relegating 50% of the gameplay to the Hades-lite character sidequests and then deciding that none of them matter makes no sense except as a concession that the developers didn't know how to balance the home stretch. All that's left is a stark look at the bones of what you're actually playing, and they are not pretty.

Reviewed on Sep 07, 2023


9 months ago

I love a concise, well written valdiation for me not giving into an impulse game purchase, in particular for rouglikes that probably would have just collected dust in my backlog. Very appreciated, thats why I am on this site

9 months ago

@ThinkingFella Thank you! I know roguelikes have garnered their fair share of backlash lately, but I still enjoy them, and thought this might be worth the sale price. Even for a fairly short game, though, this one crashes and burns hard.

9 months ago

Yea I am just a bit fatigued by them or rather found my commfort ones, because it's probably the only genre I play mainly for the mechanics. I'll give it a try if It's ever on PS+ or something like that