1 Review liked by evanpickles

Man, I don't fucking know. I like weird games, I like tactical shooters, I like immersive sims, but I don't like this. I gave it a good 2 hours and 5 levels until I threw in the towel, which I feel is fair all things considered.

The visual style is definitely doing... something. But whatever it is I don't find to be particularly clever or enjoyable. That music too... wack. Also for something billed as an immersive sim it sure feels pretty restrictive in how you tackle objectives. You die so quickly and with no checkpoints that's pretty hostile towards any sort of experimentation. I also feel like this game's humor is kinda lost on me, which may be a result of coming to this thing 3 years late but like... ok the jokes are that the NPCs say nonsense and that there's a stock market for wacky things like fish and livers. wooooooow

I'm angry at this game because I should love it but I don't and it's pissing me off. Maybe I'll return to this some day, but for now I feel like I'm being left out of the cool kids club on this one.