This game frequently makes top 10 lists for "Best Master System games" and I honest to god have no idea why. I completed this game last summer for RetroAchievements and it just doesn't hold a candle to the SMS Mickey Mouse games.

Yes, the game looks incredible and has a decent soundtrack, but that's where the positives kind of end. The control is, as other reviewers have mentioned, off and the few powerups you do get aren't exceptionally satisfying to use. Level design is incredibly straightforward, which isn't inherently a bad thing, but there is a metric ton of trial and error that only gets worse after the pyramid stage.

I guess if you're the kind of person who thinks better graphics make a better game, you'll consider this the best of the best on Sega's 8-bit warhorse. Just stick with Castle or Land of Illusion for your Disney fix on the platform.

Reviewed on Feb 07, 2024
