A very run-of-the-mill western developed platformer- slightly below average but has its charm.

Chuck Rock's main gimmick is, as you might expect, throwing around stones. To be fair, the game does have some decent concepts centered around this. You can actually use rocks to block incoming attacks from above (especially useful in the second world) and will also need to stack them in order to reach otherwise inaccessible areas.

Unfortunately, Chuck Rock drops the ball in almost every other department. Chuck himself is a rather ugly sprite to look at. I get it, he's a neanderthal, but he could've at least been a bit more stylized like Bonk or Joe and Mac. Fortunately, the enemies and backgrounds fare a bit better but are still not impressive by any stretch.

Then there's the "combat". Although running around and jumping is totally fine, the two attacks you can pull off are incredibly short ranged and don't have the best hit detection. There's this weird belly thrust thing that works about half the time, and then there's a jump kick which is somewhat more reliable but will require you to jump around like an idiot at times. This game really would have benefited from some sort of projectile weapon (even with limited ammo) or power-ups.

Bosses? What bosses? Only two of them require any sort of strategy at all and the rest can be downed by spamming attack no problem.

Level design is about as bare bones as it gets, but I will give the Sega Genesis version credit over the SNES version for actually rewarding exploration. There's plenty of random items and junk food to pick up along the way, with larger (and often out of the way) collectibles netting far more points. After every 100,000 pts you'll gain a 1-up, which doesn't happen on the SNES.

Sadly, though, even the way the levels are built can sometimes be problematic. I encountered two situations in which I got soft locked due to throwing a rock where I shouldn't have. In the first instance, it was fine as I could simply wait for an enemy to drop down and kill me. The second, however, required a console reset.

As poor as this game is, I can't bring myself to hate it due to adoring the whole 90's prehistoric trope. The first few stages were somewhat enjoyable, the cavern music is actually a serious bop and the whole game is mercifully short (30-40 minutes). Do yourself a favor, though, and just play any of the Joe and Mac games or Congo's Caper if you need your fix of stone age sidescrolling.

Reviewed on Mar 15, 2024
