This will always be my second favorite Doom. It has the best atmosphere out of the classic series- the beautiful skyboxes and stages with lightning effects being real show stoppers for me. Then there's the unsettling OST which literally features crying babies and distorted groans to set the mood- you really get the sense that you're not wanted in this world. Then there's the demon keys/Unmaker. Going out of your way to complete the secret levels not only aids in upgrading this new weapon, but it'll also net you a trio of keys to seal off some monster gates at the very end and (ultimately) give you an easier time with the final boss. This was a really nice addition to reward exploration even further.

Map design is mostly great with more emphasis on puzzle solving, but the levels never get as massive or convoluted as the worst of Doom II's map. There are a few stinkers and instances of clunky first person platforming (with no jump button, because it's Doom), but I found myself enjoying these stages far more than anything in II.

If you can forgive the handful of overly cryptic puzzles (such as the yellow key in Final Outpost- there's no defending it) then Doom 64 will prove to be a good time.

Reviewed on Apr 03, 2024
