if you have seen pokemon reborn, chances are you will eventually stumble into pokemon rejuvenation. it borrows some of the field system in here, but it's been neutered to be less of a tide changer in your fights. probably for the best, but, i don't know, i kind of miss how it was in reborn.

rejuvenation and reborn, to me, have something one is lacking from the other. i think rejuvenation's plot is more easy to grasp and process what's going on (and well colosseum is one of my favorite games so get me there and i'll be charmed) in comparison to reborn. aelita, zetta, saki, ren and erin were my favorites. genuinely i was (and still am) intrigued on parts of the story that i still don't have exact answers too. the developers are good at building that intrigue, and there's more of an effort to maintain relationships in the game due to diverging paths depending on your relationship with people.

though, i wish there were multiple saves because of it. i udnerstand this is a pokemon fangame and it's intended to have one save only, but it gets tedious exporting specific copies of my saves. i like to see everything in the games i play after all. and it's a pain in the ass to play compared to reborn.

whereas rejuvenation has a good story, i find the difficulty scaling in rejuvenation to be an utter nightmare. i think in the first half i did okay, but fights like angies, occasionally the rift fights (do not even get me STARTED with groudon because it would keep resting everytime its hp got down to low health or poisoned it, i don't remember the specifics but i don't know why my particular fight was harder compared to everyone else), and oh god. saki. i heard they revamped saki's at the very least, but some of those fights were just exceedingly difficult to the point of frustration then fun. angie's still takes the cake for me, my boyfriend was attempting to give me tips (he plays pokemon more seriously compared to me because he's a filthy showdown player lol) and every trick in the book he had was just ultimately countered. it's so easy to get soft locked because of how exceedingly difficult the game can get, not to mention that at a certain point enemy pokemon teams will start to have an excess amount of points invested into evs. like are you kidding me?! i don't even know if they had that in reborn, but there's more of an obligation to grind out evs and ivs in this game because of how absolutely fucked you can be in fights at times. and while they have easy methods of doing so it's still an unbearable ass grind going back and forth to do all this. i think i have more pokemon in rejuvenation then in reborn because of how much i have to prepare for because i don't want to get soft-locked.

it's been a while since i played, so maybe the difficulty has been scaled better. i love the story, genuinely, but i had to shelf it at some point because of the constant grinding i had to do with all my pokemon in preparation for each gym battle. i don't know, maybe i just need to play better.

overall, worth a short. lots of love is being put into the game quite evidently, and it's easier to get attached to the cast. while it can be fun at times, the frustration was just too much for me at times. definitely don't hesitate to take a break in between specific fights, and always, always prepare in advance.

Reviewed on Jun 30, 2024
